Saturday, July 4, 2009

2 Sketches 4 You - Top 5- Celebrate!

Happy Saturday Everyone - Hope your weekend is off to a great start!

I am still in happy shock to have made it into the Top 5 (what an honor! thank you! so much Laura, Kazan, wonderful judges!) in the Ultimate Card Showdown that 
Kazan and Laura are hosting at 2 Sketches 4 You. This Showdown was created to celebrate the one year anniversary of their sketch challenge blog. So for this last sketch I thought it would be fun to create a celebratory card. To the left is the awesome sketch that Laura has created for us for the last round.

 And as soon as I saw it my head was buzzing with ideas and possibilities but the one that I went with was the "carousel celebration" idea :) Our family has been visiting us this week - and they have included some trips to the carousel and so the image of the line going up and down and the circle element in the middle looked like a carousel horse ride. So I thought I would have fun making a cotton candy dreamy, whimsical merry happy card :)

The half circles on the top and bottom of the sketch looked like the top inside and bottom of the carousel and I sketched a little fun tent top and alternated patterned paper with sponged edges and some ruffling by cutting up some doily punched edges. 

The horse was created in photoshop and I printed her on some green paper and white cardstock. Coloring in the mane, bows, saddle on the white cardstock - I cut it and then paper pieced it onto the green horse which I then sponged on the edges for some dimension. The blingy swirls and clouds seemed kinda fun and whimsy.

This is the inside of the card following the same theme of the sketch: 

I wanted to create a few more things inside - but thought I would keep it simple-ish - so I finished it off with some swirly bling just like on the outside of the card. 

Card details:

Paper: Mostly from the June 20th Key Ingredient kit from Taylored Expressions (and some from the Spring Splendor pack)

Ink: Adirondack Expresso

StampsYear of Sweet Sentiments: Celebrate sentiment and from the Branching Out Accessories stamp set: the cloud – the horse is created from a free photoshop brush and the tent top is handrawn

Accessories: 1 3/4 inch circle punch and 1 inch circle, Say it with Crystals bling, stickles, threading punch, doily punch from Martha, dimensionals, bling from K & Company, mini clear gels, sponger, liquid pearls, ribbon from stash

I can't believe that this is the last round - I am so honored to be with these wonderful ladies who are in the Top 5 - you are all an inspiration as are all of the players from all the rounds of this showdown and all of you wonderful cheerleaders encouraging us on :) 

I have to say that this has been such an amazing journey to be part of this showdown and to meet so many wonderful crafters from around the world has been so special. Big thanks to our wonderful judges and Laura and Kazan for all your hard work - it is very much appreciated! You have brought together crafters from all around the world into a wonderful community! Thank YOU! and happy blogaversary!!!! woo-hoo!!!

Thank you so much for visiting my corner of blogworld :)
Sending you Sunshine :)
Sankari :)


claudia shadler said...

OMG! wow wee! wow! You totally ROCK! love it Sanakari! this card is super amazing and beautiful, love the carousel theme going on, love it! Good Luck!

Clouds :D

Tammy Hershberger said...

*thud* I just passed out from the AWE-mazing-ness of this card, Shawnie!!!! OMFG, this is absolutely spectacular! I wish my mind was half as creative as yours! If you don't win the whole competition, there is something wrong!!! :)

Laura Davis said...

Wowzers!!!! This is just awesome!! You have grown as a card maker in this last year. Thank you and good luck! Thank you
Laura & Kazan

Ingrid said...

OMG....another gorgeous entry. really know how to turn a sketch into something beautiful. You're so creative! Good luck to you!

Martha said...

Wow, this is sooo amazing, what a FABulous, gorgeous card!! Love this Sankari!!
Good luck :)

Ann said...

OMG, Sankari, you have completely ROCKED my world and this challenge!!!!! Holy smokes, girl, you are such a talent! All the way to #1, girlie--I'll be rootin' for ya! HUGE hugs!!!!!!

gale said...

What a beautiful card!

ladynurse4 said...

this is absolutely beautiful. Good luck!

Unknown said...

WOWEEEEEE a work of art!

Brodders said...

Stunning :)

tomiannie said...

Oh my goodness! What an amazing, totally unique card. I love that you turned it into a carousel -- what a great use of the sketch.

Peet said...

Wow, what a stunning card, Sankari!!! Great job
Good luck!

WickedPixie said...

This card is Stunning! :-) Traci

PapierGirl said...

Absolutely beautiful - the detail in this card is amazing! Congratulations and good luck! Cathy :) xx

SmilynStef said...

I do believe you hit this one out of the park ... fabulous card.

Amy C said...

OH MY!! This card is AMAZING!! I absolutely love what you did with this sketch. I would say good luck, but you definitely don't need it. WTG!!

AUsome mom said...

Well, all I can say is "Incredible"! WOW! I don't even have words for what a gorgeous card this is. YOU ROCK!

cnelson said...

I've been looking forward all week to see what you would create and girl you sure didn't disappoint!! Holy Moly is this amazing!! Perfect in every aspect!! Love the carousel! Love it all!! YOU ROCK!! Congratulations on a job well done in every round!

Leonie said...

OMG, this is sooo amazing! Absolutely beautiful, you should be very proud!

Ginny Larsen said...

really sweet card! i love the details... the tent top won my approval RIGHT away :D

nice way to make it so beautifully amazing on the front, and then keep it simple but sweet on the inside.


~amy~ said...

good are literally all the details! wowza! Good luck to you!

Jenn D said...

I think this is absolutely amazing! What a fantastic card. The horse and carousel are gorgeous. I love all of the detail you put into it. Good luck!

Janet O'Brien said...

WOW what a stunning card, this is a fantastic card (in fact all your cards are!). Congrats on making the top 5 and I feel sorry for the judges!. GOOD LUCK!

cnelson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anthonette said...

A huge congrats, Sankari! You are creating some amazing work. It's been fun to watch. Have a great 4th! Hugs.

wendyp said...

omgosh! Sankari, your work is always stunning but your entries during the contest have been breathtaking! I can't wait to see what you're going to create next because each week I'm amazed even more at how amazingly talented you are!!!

Good luck!!!

Michele Lourenco said...

this is probably the most beautiful and creative card i have EVER seen!
major kudos to you. it's simply stunning!

CathyRose said...

Wow! Your card is just awesome!

Radha said...

That is a winner!
Trust me!
Smiles to you cupcake!

Randee E said...

Sankari you have such an amazing creative talent :0) All of your cards have been little works of art - truly one of a kind masterpieces - what are you going to do with them?!! And this is "simplish":0) Congrats on another job perfectly done!

Eva said...

Ohhhh...this is such a sweet and gorgeous card!!! WOWIE!!!! Congrats on being the top 5 and this is another fantastic card!!! Best wishes to you!!!

anja curvers said...

Wow this is amazing love the idea and what a great outcome.

Saskia said...

WOW... this is just a piece of ART!!! So wonderful!!

Saskia :)

Polina Khoronko said...


Kim Sonksen said...

OMG girl - you are smoking hot with your creations!!!

Vanessa said...

Oh my...! Love everything about it! Amazing!


Monika/Buzsy said...

Sankari, you always come up with the cleaverest idea! Fabulous card. Love the colors, the carousel... everything! Good luck! :o)

Angie Tieman said...

Wowzers! This is absolutely stunning!!! Your "visions" and the way you turn them into cards totally blows me away!! Good luck girlfriend!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Sankari - Your work is so amazing

Carly said...

Congratulations on the BIG WIN!!!! Your work is all amazing and this is a well deserved win! Enjoy all the goodies! How exciting! :-)

Randee E said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! A winner well deserved :0)

Staci said...

OMG congrats on your win, you totally deserve it!!!!!

Monika/Buzsy said...

Huge Congrats on winning! You deserved it! Enjoy your goodies. :o)

AUsome mom said...

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WIN!!!! I was keeping my fingers crossed for you and I'm so excited for your win! Thanks so much for sharing your incredible creations with us week after week. Have fun with all of your new goodies!

Yvette said...

INCREDIBLE!!! You totally ROCKED this challenge!!! What an AMAZING card! Who would'nt LOVE this!??!

Angie Tieman said...

Congratulations, Sankari!!! You totally rock and I'm so happy for you!!

Anthonette said...

Hi my dear Sankari,

Sending you a giant congratulations for coming out on top!!! I'm very happy for you. Congrats on winning all those great goodies too.

Martha said...

Well deserved, your work is amazing!!

Eva said...

Huge congratulations to you deserved!!! You are a true artist and so deserve the recognition!!! Adore everything you make!! Enjoy your goodies!!! :)

Latisha said...

I just wanted to stop by your blog to wish you a big giant Congratulations!! Enjoy all the goodies!!

cnelson said...

HUGE CONGRATS Sankari!! You are so deserving of the UCS title! What marvelous and inspiring cards you created each and every week! Thanks for sharing your amazing talent with all of us!

Rebecca said...

Congratulations on winning the challenge!!!

Jo said...

Huge congratulations! This card and all your cards are just amazing!

Cindy Lee said...

A huge congrats to you, Sankari!!! Your cards are spectacular! I have never seen anything like it before!! You truly deserved to win!

N2ScrapN4Fun said...

Congratulations. This card is AWESOME!!!

Unknown said...

Sankari, just saw all of your cards on 2s4u and they are incredible! You are so talented! Congrats on being #1.

Unknown said...

Just have seen all your beautiful creations on 2S4Y and I saw that you won! Congratulations on your win! Well done!

Hugs Renata

Muffin said...

Congrats on your big win - very well deserved!! Your cards are truly amazing! :D

Nunt said...

Congratulations - you really deserved your win!


Pirkkis said...

I can´t even say how much I like your cards and other stuff!!! I just have to check your blog very carefully and now and then dry my keybord ;o).
Bytheway: In finnish your name "Sankari" means "Hero". You are my new hero of cards!

Beth Norman said...

It does not get any better than this. What an outstanding, jaw dropping card you created, yet again. You have been blessed with so much talent!

anja curvers said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your win Sankari your work is amazing!!!!!!

tomiannie said...

Woohoo! Congrats on the big win, Sankari!

Kelly said...

Absolutely wonderful! Striking! Beautiful! Congratulations!

Sarah-Jane Kalé said...

OMG!!!!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!!! OMG!!! (I don't have a bigger font, or there would be more OMG's going on!!!!) OMG!!!!!
(insert various squeals of joy and delight!!)
Sankari!!!! This card... I'm speechless... I actually had to lift my tongue up off my keyboard... it is unbelievably GORGEOUS, Fabulous and BEAUTIFUL!!!!
And of course you were NUMBER 1... doing a little SJK dance for you here, thankfully you can't see it!!! hahaha... All of your cards are fabulous, but your truly outdid your self with all of the 2S4Y challenges.... BRILLIANT... is all i can say.


Hugs and Kisses from Aus.

xx SJK


Tami (Pixeltrash) said...

You are too much. Love every card that you've made and this is my favorite of all! Great job and I'm glad you won! Congratulations!

Wendy said...

Congrats on your Win!
Your are cards are no less than AMAZING!!!

Margaret de Witt said...

All I can say on this one is -

Pam said...

Congrats, Sankari - well-deserved on that win!!!

Shay said...

What an amazing card and congratulations on winning! All of your cards show so much care, imagination, whimsy and magic.

Made by Mandy said...

Congratulations Sankari !!!!

This is a beautiful card. You put so much effort into each one that you make, they are like little works of art.

You take our craft to another level and are a well deserved winner.

Enjoy your prizes, you've definitely earned them :)

Deanna said...

Congratulations, you rocked this contest!

Savitri said...

CONGRATS!!! Wow, amazing card!!!! Obviously I am waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind in blog hopping!!! I miss visiting here regularly! I hope soon though!

Your work is fab, you so so deserve the honor!!!

Wilma said...

What a gorgeous card!!!!!! Never seen enything like this before, congrats girl!!!!!!!!

Michelle said...

OMGoodness that is one heck of a card!!! Congrats on being one of the top 5's...I can TOTALLY see why. AMAZING creations!

Giovana said...

Your card is amazing!!! Congratulations on winning.

God bless

Donna Baker said...

have to pick my jaw up off the floor - you have GOT to win this, you have brought your mojo week after week after week, but then again, you do that with ALL your stuff! I hope you win, girlfriend!

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

congratulations on your BIG win!!!

DonnaMundinger said...

Congrats Sankari! Your cards have truly been an inspiration! This is fabulous! You certainly are a deserving winner. xxD

April said...

Not enough words to say WOW!!! AWESOME!!! GORGEOUS!!! FUN!! INSPIRING!! BEAUTIFUL ART!!! My goodness, you should be teaching art to us less talented...That is one phenomenal card!!! Good Luck!!!

Smita said...

Congrats, Sankari...


Joke said...

Congrats to you! You are the winner and so well deserved.
Love your cards, you are really a big inspirator.
Enjoy your big prize.

PaperTree Designs said...

Congrats on winning! You deserve it. Your cards are gorgous!

Justine said...

I agree with Tammy Herberger. THUD was my reaction when I saw your outstanding cards over on the 2 sketches 4 you blogsite....... Congratulations.
Your creativity is mind boggling

Jodie said...

OMG this is so cute, I fell over when I saw this awesome card.

The Mama Monkey said...

Congratulations!!! You have totally outdone yourself this favorite of all of them!

Connie said...

Oh my goodness!! This is amazing!!

Meredith said...

Okay I know you already have 87 comments, but I had to add my two cents to say this is one of the most beautiful cards I've ever seen. I used to collect carousel horses when I was younger! Again-beautiful work!

Anonymous said...

Sankari, your cards are amazing!!!!
Congratulations on winning the showdown, you thoroughly deserved it :)

Brooke S said...

YAHOO!!! I am so proud of you.... I new you could do it... You were always tops to me...

CONGRATS to the 2sketchs4you Queen!!!



Tlbran said...

Gorgeous card! Love it!

Renata van Miltenburg said...

WOW...this isn't even papercrafting, this is ART!!! Realy amazing, love everything about this card.

Warmest regards, Renata

Naomi said...

Hehehe...your simplish and my simplish are not the same simplish. The detail on that horse, the colors, all the texture, the inside being just as beautiful as the outside.... what else to say? Amazing.