Guess who woke up super early today... me! With the house as quiet as a mouse - I was finally able to attempt Kristina's Color Inspiration Challenge #33 for this week. This week her challenge comes from a notebook that she took at her local Target store of a notebook covered with buttons.
The five colors are: Chocolate Chip, Pumpkin Pie, Taken with Teal, Certainly Celery and Whisper White. These felt like fun colors and so I tried to have fun with them. I don't know about you guys, but I need to get cracking on some holiday cards - so I used these non-traditional holiday colors to make a holiday card and here is what I ended up with: A Peace, Joy and Love Card:
The five colors are: Chocolate Chip, Pumpkin Pie, Taken with Teal, Certainly Celery and Whisper White. These felt like fun colors and so I tried to have fun with them. I don't know about you guys, but I need to get cracking on some holiday cards - so I used these non-traditional holiday colors to make a holiday card and here is what I ended up with: A Peace, Joy and Love Card:
I just found out about this great paper company called the Paper Temptress - there are so many awesome papers to choose from - I love the quality too. I used the Brown Column cardstock from the Paper Temptress for the base of the card. And the green and teal are from my scrap stash - which I am trying to reduce so I can get more papers :) The peace symbol is a foam cutout that I stickled orange, the face is created from 2 punches (one of the face and the other from a MS small circle scallop punch (also stickled). The heart I drew and then added an eyelet to pull the ribbon through into a knot (also stickled orange - i {heart} stickles :). The circle layers were created using the SU! scallop punch and the Fiskars 1" circle punch - which was then adhered to the squared alternating cardstock (one corner of which was rounded with a corner rounder).
With the bottom half of the 1"circle punch, I embossed the words: peace and love - with white EP (from Taylor's SASI kit) and the word Joy was embossed with clear EP (from Martha's Christmas stamps).
Overall - it was a fun project and I had fun with the colors. Totally not a traditional holiday card - but ...that's okay, right??
This card marks me doing 20 of Kristina's color challenges in a row! You can check out all of her color challenges: here. I remember reading her blog and seeing the color inspiration pieces and then the round up - and was always so inspired - and then finally I thought maybe I would try it so I created this blog - and posted my card and was totally hooked to CIC's :) Just wanted to say a big thank you for all of the amazing lovely friends that I have met doing KW's challenges - you all totally inspire me! And a big hello to everyone who I haven't had the chance to meet yet! and of course a big thank you to KW for continuing with these fun challenges!
Alright - off to make lunch for my little munchkins...!
Hope you are all doing great!
Thanks for coming over to visit!
Ciao for now!
PS - can you believe its 20 days till Christmas Eve (Whaaaat??? when did time just start flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyying by???)
This card is sooo cute. I love the peace sign!
I really like the individual accents. The peace is my fav! Cute card.
Ha ha, your card made me smile big time! Peace! :-)
oh wow, this is so very cute & clever! Great job!
Love it! So fun!
A very adorable card! I love the individual accents also.
Totally cute! I love the little hand doing the peace sign and you have done a fabulous job with the colour challenge.
Hi Sankari!! Oh, gosh don't remind me that Christmas is right around the corner. Argggh!! I haven't even decorated my house! How about you?
I love your card. . .you are so good with all these challenges. I always want to play but I get side tracked and end up not doing them!!
I love the peace sign. . you are so creative with different materials!! Beautiful job!
Ha! This is an awesome card, loe, loe, love it!!! Very clever!
Very Cool Sankari!!!
Thankyou for your lovely comments on my Blog... I'm doing well...Ella is growing OH so Fast... 9wks today...WOW. I'll send through some updated photos for you to have a peek at if you like.
Have a great day.
Good for you, using your stash! :)
This is such a cool color combo! I love your card! Very creative with the design and words underneath!
I always enjoy your cards they are beautifully made and very inspirational
This is so fun, and totallu cute. I am loving the sparkly orange stickles!!
Very cute card, Sankari! I love the peace, joy, and love accents.
Awe - super cute card!! Congratulations on your 20th colour inspiration!! Wow! I first found your site through these challenges so I'm so happy that you do them:) And I'm always so impressed with what you come up with - just love your style...and your sweet spirit!!
Sankari!! You always have the best cards, I really enjoy seeing all of your beautiful work!
How funny! I included this card with the next one!!! It is really wonderful and I love how you did your signs!
20 challenge in a row wow your are on a roll...This card is just 2 cute...It's so fun looking!!!!
Too cute of a card!! 20 in a row, huh? I know I haven't done 20 in a row :)
I'll have to check that company out now!! Ahh...
Super cute. Love the trinkets in orange.
20 in a row.... Dang.... How cool! The peace sign cracks me up. Thanks for the humorous card... great way to end a long day! Miss you tonight I would have loved to have you at stamp club :( one of these days we WILL play together.... I am listening to a really melancholy song right now so I better get to the point before I cry...
You totally Rocked the challenge to take a page from your book... I LOVE it!! So very clever...
Sunny Audrey Holiday Hugs,
This is adorable! Great colors, this gives me a great idea for my Aunts Xmas card! She is the QUEEN of smileys, they are everywhere in her house almost to a creepy point...almost!
Thanks for the inspiration!
Really cute-love the non-traditional colors on it.
Whoa! What a card! You always come up with ideas for your cards that are remarkable. I left you something on my blog. Have a great day!
This card is too cute!!!! I love it! you are so talented! I wish I had more time to stamp maybe I would get better at it!
That is fantastic! Another winner!
WOW - you made an awesome card!
oh...too cute!!!
How did I miss this one?! This is amazing--totally made me grin when I saw it! :D
Read your article, if I just would say: very good, it is somewhat insufficient, but I am
still tempted to say: really good!
Personalized Signature:面对面视频游戏,本地棋牌游戏,本地方言玩游戏,打麻将,玩掼蛋,斗地主,炸金花,玩梭哈
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